Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Changing Days

Today, after having written and posted my first blog, I had the opportunity to live out the very statement that I blogged about yesterday. God, Whose character is unchanging and Whose ways are unpredictable- intervened in my already well ordered and planned out day. His work in my life today just did not fit into what I had planned!

Sad to report, I failed miserably at accepting His order of this day. I must confess, I had an adult temper tantrum. Here it is, two days before Christmas and I had SO much to do! Yet did I immediately remember that God is good? Did I quickly recall that His character is unchanging or did I rail against the unfortunate circumstances that left me stranded not being able to do what I thought was so necessary to do?

So again, I write and remind myself and hopefully encourage you, that God's character is unchanging. Though my plans for this day were like a vapor, God is still God. He is still good. His plans for me are for good. His character this day is the same as His character was yesterday and the day before and from the beginning. His character will be the same tomorrow and forever. Today, my plans, my circumstances changed. It was certainly unpredictable. Yet I know Whom I serve. He loves me and has plans for me this day.

Now that I have allowed to have my spirit and my heart calmed, I must go about what God has for me for this day. It may be blogging a bit more later or it may mean this blog, in it's brevity, is it for the day. I look forward to some extended quiet time and then perhaps some outdoor time with my horses. The next few hours are unpredictable as God goes about His work. But I know as He does, He is kind, and good and loving.