Sunday, August 14, 2011

Jesus says, "Come away..."

Jesus has called us into a wonderful, indescribable privelege...time away with Him. Yet, how often we are neglectful of this unfathomable gift as we scurry about the doings of each day. We grow weary and disheartened. Our futile attempts to winnow away the unnecessary activities in our busy lives leave us weary with the effort.

Oh to sit at His feet, bask in His presence, covered by His glory, a sweet fragrance of Jesus, as time away with Him refreshes us, restores us and renews our strength. Jesus has called us to "come away" with Him to a lonely even desolate place where He is. Free of all distractions so that we may hear Him. But we postpone this time away and eventually forget this needful thing. We miss out on this "better portion" that Mary was commended for while Martha railed about her idleness.

Francis J. Roberts writes, "Weariness shall overtake thee on the smoothest road if it be not the pathway of My ordained will." God's will for our lives is to know Him, love Him, serve Him. Time with the one we love is how we grow to love them even more. As we spend more time with our King, our Lord Jesus, we find that He does indeed lead us beside still waters and to green pastures where He restores our soul. Then we know the pathway that He sets before us and yoked with Him, we find that His burden is not only light but easy-for our great Saviour shoulders it all as we walk with Him. The smooth road we were searching for we find is not for us. But even as we face the difficult climb, we realize that we can indeed do all things in Christ Jesus.

What can we do? What is our part? To make room in our lives for time with Jesus. Yes, His Spirit indwells each of us that belong to Him, we are not forgotten or forsaken, but are we making purposeful time with Him a priority? Are we making room in our lives for solitary time with Christ-making  time spent with Him preeminent? I know I sorely lack in this. Many of you, like me, struggle being more able to relate to Martha's attitude toward life than with Mary.

Oh to apprehend the great truth to "rejoice to be granted the privelege so sacred a task, Count it most precious and guard against intrusion of distractions. Nothing is more important in [Jesus' eyes] of all the things you can do for [Him]. Cherish it and cultivate it, live in prayer." Francis J. Roberts

So we are to put down the anxieties of this world and come away with our Beloved Jesus. Trust Him for everything for He knows our needs and is fully able to supply our needs according to His riches. As we spend time and more time with our Lord, we find that anxiety and anxious thoughts fall away. There is no effort on our part...only respond to His call to, "Come away".

Another pearl of wisdom from Francis J. Roberts states, "He who does not habitually commune with Christ alone is almost sure to find true prayer impossible in public."  Oh to apprehend the wonderful call of Jesus-"Come away..." In Him is peace and joy and strength for the day. His mercies are new each morning. Throughout the day, He will never leave us nor forsake us. Have we "left Him" in our busyness. Have we forsaken Him?

Oh to cherish and cultivate our time with Him. To answer His call to "Come away". Just think, the King of Kings, the Creator of the Universe, the Almighty God has invited us to "Come away". Today...even now...