Friday, January 21, 2011

Beatitudes in Revelation

Did you know there are beatitudes in Revelation? Warren Weirsbe points our the following:

Revelation 1:3     blessing in reading the prophecy
Revelation 14:13 blessing if we die in the Lord
Revelation 16:15 blessed in watchfulness-the Lord is returning!
Revelation 19:9   blessed if invited to the Wedding Feast
Revelation 20:6   blessed and holy who share in first resurrection-following Jesus
Revelation 22:7   blessed are those who obey
Revelation 22:14 blessed are those who wash their robes for they will enter through the gates of the city and eat fruit from the Tree of Life.

(1) Reading the Book and specifically the book of Revelation promises a blessing. So, why not be blessed and read it often!

(2) For those who die in Jesus there is a blessing for it signifies our work here on earth is done and we are with He Who loved and loves us with His life!

(3) For those who anxiously await Christ's return, there is blessing. Not unlike young children anxiously awaiting for their birthday or some other awaited prize...but more so! For our waiting is for what is eternal! Our waiting has an imperishable prize, eternal life in Christ Jesus. Our waiting is for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Creator of all things seen and unseen. Now that is a magnificent reason to watchfully wait.

(4)Those who are invited to the Wedding Feast are blessed. Who doesn't like to go to weddings? There are television shows about wedding dresses, wedding cakes, weddings...the day of one's wedding is much anticipated and to be a guest is a delight. How much more for the Wedding Feast of the Bridegroom (Jesus) and His Bride (His Church)! How blessed to be invited to the Wedding Feast of the Lord of All, the Prince of Peace, the Savior, Y'shua, Jesus Christ. How wonderful to know that the invitation goes out to all the world. It is an invitation to whosoever believes and receives Jesus! It is a universal invitation with an exclusive guest list.

(5) Oh to share in the resurrection of Christ Jesus. All who belong to Him will enjoy this blessing! Life fulfilled in Him with bodily resurrection just as He was resurrected.

(6) Obeying God's Word is a blessing. How do I know? His Word tells me. So, even if the blessings may not be for the here and now, they are for the soon to be. God never fails. His Word never fails. He will fulfill what He says in His perfect timing. And we parents give our children the great gift of practicing obedience to us. They are to honor and obey their earthly parents..and in so doing establish a lifetime of this unto God Almighty.

(7)Those who belong to Christ and have their "robes" washed will enter God's kingdom by the gate. Now this washing is not something we do-but it is the work of God's Spirit in our lives, renewing our minds by His Word, teaching us, guiding us. This washing is done each time we obey God and His Word. We will then be blessed with going to the Tree of Life that was in the Garden with Adam and Eve and eat of it! This Tree of Life's fruit is eternal life! We will be robed in the righteousness of Christ and eat of His Tree of Life.

Pretty amazing, huh? Now, go pick up the Word and begin reading Revelation, chapter 1. You will be blessed as you read.