Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Corridor of Faith

How blessed I have been and am to have such great teaching to help me grow in my walk with Christ. How loved I am that He would be so very patient with me for I seem to be such a slow learner.

Recently I read an author who used an analogy that ministered to me. We know that we are called to walk the narrow way in Christ Jesus. The other ways lead only to eventual misery and certain judgment and destruction. Jesus Himself said He is the Way and the Truth and the Life and that no one comes to (God) the Father except through Him. He is the Only way, yet...

Yet His invitation is inclusive! It is to all who would receive. God sent His only Son (Jesus Christ) that whoever would believe in Him would receive life! An inclusive invitation to an exclusive engagement to those who would believe and receive Him.

The analogy addresses the new life in Christ that we walk in while here on this Earth. We are new creations in Christ Jesus. We are walking the narrow path with eternity in view...our Saviour leading the way. Yet, for now we walk in enemy territory. Belonging to Christ, we are sealed by His Holy Spirit, but the enemy still attempts to influence if not oppress us.

Imagine our walk as if in a large city with skyscrapers looming, making our way a bit dark and dreary yet we walk in the Light and toward He Who is the Light. We walk the way of Christ, keeping our eyes on He who is the Author and Finisher of our faith. As we walk, there are cat calls and distractions from the apartment buildings and alleyways. We may get momentarily distracted by these voices but we can choose to walk on. This is where we must take EVERY thought captive to the obedience of our Lord Jesus.

As we walk, we may get so distracted-especially if we do not take each thought captive because we can become influenced- influenced so much that we stop and tarry, looking toward the voices and listening. We do not want this to become a habit for it is detrimental to us. We may listen long enough to lies that we begin to believe them. And if we become distracted long enough, we may even venture down the alleyways. The allure is to our flesh, to the lust of the eyes. Our pride of life tells us that we can handle a temporary detour. Don't believe it! Though our enemy, the devil and his minions, cannot read our minds for only God is omniscient, the enemy can influence our thoughts. He knows humanitites weaknesses...the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the sinful pride of life and he knows how to tempt each one of us.

So, dear pilgrim, keep walking on with eternity in view, down the corridor of faith. Saints before you traversed this way. You are in good company! Keep your eyes on Jesus and walk worthy of Him. He will never leave you nor forsake you.

I too am on this pilgrimage with you! Stay in the Word. Be obedient to God's commands, taking every thought captive to Him. Stay in prayer and in fellowship with other believers. Receive solid, Biblical teaching and use the gifts you have been given for the glory of God. Don't give the enemy any ground...don't make his day. Do all that you do for the glory of God Almighty!

We must keep walking with our eyes on our Saviour. We must stay on His narrow path. If we stumble, fall, tarry where we shouldn't, we must quickly repent, receive our Lord's forgiveness, take EVERY thought captive to His will and move on toward Him.